Culture Isn’t Just an Employee Issue

I’ve been on a bit of a crusade lately to spread the word about the importance of workplace culture. More and more people are talking about culture in the business world these days. And that’s a good start. But, I’ve noticed that the conversation is pretty one-sided. It’s all about the employees—how employees influence culture,

Employee Equality Act (Part 2)

Recently, I proposed a new bill called The Employee Equality Act. Though the legislation is fictional, I have a dream that one day all businesses will treat employees with the same reverence as customers. Only when you communicate with employees in the same high-quality manner companies traditionally reserve for customers will you achieve true employee

Employee Equality Act (Part 1)

A labor/employment and business attorney by trade, I often find parallels between my legal training and my experience as an HR leader. Lately, I’ve been considering championing a new law – The Employee Equality Act. My bill would require businesses to treat employees with the same reverence as customers. Though my proposed legislation is entirely

What I Wish I Would Have Known

It is never too early to think about your legacy. I wish someone would have shared this simple truth with me in my teens, 20s or 30s. More importantly, I wish someone would have shared how to forge through actions a legacy that I could be proud of. Instead, I am left to pray that