Your Guide To Developing a Strong Company Culture
Check out this white paper for more insights into turning your company’s culture into your competitive advantage. Originally published through FirstPerson Advisors and presented at the 2015 YPO/WPO University Day: Building Culture on Purpose.
They Can’t Copy Your Culture
The decade of human capital is upon us. Your company’s culture is the single greatest differentiator you have. Treat it that way. The World Economic Forum states that talent, not financial capital, is the “key to innovation, competitiveness, and growth in the 21st century.” The Economist Intelligence unit found that more than anything, organizations need
What Do You Know about Your Employees? (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1 . . . Recently, we explored the brainy side of what we know about our employees. Our unconscious intuition, rather than reason, drives most of our thinking, we judge people based on their warmth and competence, and for leaders, warmth is often more overlooked but also more critical than competence. All
What Do You Know about Your Employees? (Part 1)
We talk a lot about culture, which we can work to shape and involve everyone in. But at its core, much of culture comes down to how people interact. As a leader, what do you know about your employees, and what do they know about you? How well do you know them? How do your
Infobesity: It’s Your Job To Manage Consumption
If you’re plagued by infobesity (the never-ending stream of information), the last thing you want to do is read another article. So, I’ll keep it brief. Infobesity is an epidemic. IBM released these stupefying figures in 2013: 90% of all the world’s data has been produced in the past two years. CSC (Computer Sciences Corp)
Leaving your back office on the back burner isn’t an option anymore. And why would you want to, when you could instead turn it into a powerful competitive advantage?
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